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In Kotlin we don't need to provide data type explicitly(most of the time) for the variables. According to the value of the variable data type is taken by kotlin itself.
Boolean // true or false
Byte // can have values from -128 to 127
Short // can have values from -32768 to 32767
Int // can have values from -2147483648 to 2147483647
Long // can have values from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775808
Float // double-precision 64-bit floating point.
Double // double-precision 32-bit floating point.
Char // can have only one character
Strings // it can store character array
We can use the keyword "as"(Unsafe cast operator) to convert a value from one type to others. If the conversion is not possible then we will get an exception. Also we have some internal conversation methods like "toStirng()", "toDouble()" ,"toLong()" , "toInt()" and many more.
println("5".toInt()) //print 5
println("5".toLong()) //print 5
println("5".toFloat()) //print 5.0
println("5".toDouble()) //print 5.0
println("5.1234567890".toFloat()) //print 5.123457
println("51234567890".toDouble()) //print 5.123456789E10);